We are thrilled to support an equality candidate who advocates and supports our top priorities: equality, reproductive rights, criminal justice reform, environmental justice, health care equity, access to childcare and paid family leave, and education equity. — National Women's Political Caucus- Virginia
We are excited to see you run and will proudly be supporting you as you continue to work for our region! — Southwest Virginia Young Dems
Behind every successful woman there should be a tribe of women who have her back. We are proud to support you. — VA Dems Women's Caucus
We need Melody so she can bring the voices of Southside and Southwest Virginia to Richmond. It's time to focus on jobs, housing and better schools and Melody will do just that! — VA Dems, Rural Caucus
It is critical that we elect Democrats this year who will fight against discrimination toward LGBTQ+ Virginians and their families. We are proud to support Melody Cartwright in the race for the 48th District and are confident in their dedication to equality and justice for all within their community and the Commonwealth." — LGBT+ Democrats of Virginia
National Organization for Women
Martinsville-Henry County Democratic Committee
Planned Parenthood of Virginia
Virginia Democratic Small Business Caucus