Melody Cartwright wants to bring your voice to Richmond!
Please keep in mind, that as a Democrat, in the Commonwealth of Virginia for 2026, I WILL be in the majority. My opponent, once again, will be in the minority. Google his list of bills and you will see he has been denied approval multiple times, with a large percentage of FAILS. Who do you want to send to the House of Delegates, someone who can actually get things done for the betterment of the district, or someone who will again be POWERLESS? Think about it. I am for the people, not just the party.
The 48th District needs a voice for real policies that are going to lower your taxes, lower your grocery bills, and bring down your energy costs. Melody will NOT accept any lobby money from the massive utility companies and has signed a pledge to not do so. Her campaign is grassroots, only accepting money from voters, not lobbyists. She is seeking real, impactful policies that don't get caught up in partisan politics. She will work hard to make sure everyone receives a fair and impartial path to the basic right to live with better standards in the entire 48th district. Fighting and bringing down the high level of citizens and children living in poverty (in Martinsville, VA – still over 25%, for decades) is a priority.
Your Rights and Personal Freedoms
Melody believes that no one should interfere with your right to make decisions about your own body and that government should stay out of personal conversations between you and your doctor. Personal freedoms for everyone are guaranteed in the Constitution and shouldn't be interfered with by politicians more interested in garnering votes than the health and lifestyle of each individual. In addition, I have a current concealed carry license. While I won't be trying to "take away your gun rights," I will stand firm for gun education and gun safety legislation.
In addition, I will fight for automatic restoration rights for felons who have become a good member of our society. Also, I will implement expungement legislation for people who have committed crimes yet have become model citizens since then. Everyone deserves a second chance.
Melody will fight for strong unions and move against the backwards "right to work" laws still active in the Commonwealth of Virginia. This old school legislation is not only rooted in racist history, it does not help the workers, only hurting them, taking away their right to petition for wages, safety, and retirement. Finally, substantially increasing the minimum wage is a priority for our citizens to earn a living wage to support our families.
Fund Our PUBLIC Schools
Our children deserve our support. The Cartwright family has a long history of educators in Martinsville, VA and in Danville, VA as well. Melody believes in fully funding and staffing our public school systems as a critical priority for the state budget, which she will fight for in Richmond. For too long, Virginia's rural school systems have struggled for funding with outdated buildings, inadequate teacher salaries, and not enough financial help from Richmond. Melody will be your voice in the General Assembly for safe, quality schools that will graduate the next generation of Virginia leaders.
Affordable Housing and Healthcare
Do you feel like you struggle to stay afloat? You need an advocate in Richmond who will do more than cut taxes for the wealthy and powerful. Melody will fight for access to healthcare and lower costs, bringing medical services back to Southside so that everyone can receive the care they need. This includes a maternity ward! Melody will work to bring quality housing into our communities so that everyone has a decent, affordable roof over their heads and will demand access to homeownership for those that have been priced out by rising costs.
For over 25 years, Melody has been an advocate for tenant rights and calling out slum landlords in our district. Also, she has been active in reporting abandoned buildings which are both dangerous and affects everyone's property worth around them. The fight to improve living conditions and building standards is ongoing. Legislation is needed to update land owners and tenant's rights in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Well overdue.
The current national leadership will not be able to lessen food and other living expenses due to their corporate emphasis. Corporate greed is ongoing. We must do what we can to fight and make our state a model for everyone - for both companies AND individuals to thrive. Again, the archaic and racist legislation inappropriately named "Right to Work" needs to be tossed out and replaced with open union legislation and also to increase the minimum wage in 2026. We must keep the majority blue in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Melody Cartwright believes in rights
and freedoms for all citizens of District 48.
Top Issues
Funding PUBLIC Education
JOBS - Which support families!
Affordable and Appropriate Housing
Restoration Rights, Expungement
Human Rights: Women's Rights, Civil Rights