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Sunday, February 23, 2025 10:55 PM

“We won’t be silenced,” residents protest SCOTUS abortion ruling

July 11, 2022 Henry County Enterprise

Melody Cartwright said she graduated from Martinsville High School in 1975, just two years after the Roe v. Wade decision. 

“All of my life, I enjoyed federally protected rights which have now been turned over,” she said. 

Though, at the age of 65 she can no longer have children, Cartwright said, “I have a daughter who is 25 years old. This sort of thing is just so crushing to women who care and want to have the right to do their own family planning. No one wants abortion. No one is for abortion. No one. We’re pro-life, actually. We want people to have children when they want them. It’s a great thing.” 

However, she noted, abortion should be available for “those who don’t want to have children, who can’t afford to have children right now, or people who have unplanned pregnancies.”

She said she was “heartbroken” by the Supreme Court’s decision, “but we knew it was going to happen” because it is used as a political topic. (Former President Barack) “Obama said he was going to codify it. It was one of his platforms. Did he do it? No. And you know why? Everybody thought it was protected, it was a sure thing, it was an ace in the hole, and it was not. Now we really need to fight.”

Cartwright said she was pleased that a number of men were on the protest line, because the right to abortion was not just a gender issue. “It’s a human rights issue.”

She said that she also hoped to attend larger protests in other areas and has already been in contact with her representatives but was dissatisfied with the response she received. 

(Regarding complaints to your representative: “They just give you a form letter. Do something. Do something because this is serious,” she demanded. 

Like Pritchard, Cartwright said she is concerned about future decisions handed down by the court.

Sunday, February 23, 2025 10:50 PM

2023: The Year in Review

December 30, 2023 Martinsville Bulletin

Adams resigns
Although Del. Les Adams of Pittsylvania County was reelected in November, earlier this month he announced plans to resign after his current term ends next month. A Republican mass meeting was hastily called at a location in the north end of Pittsylvania County for the purpose of determining a candidate and Republican residents in Martinsville and Henry County cried foul about the process held on a weekday afternoon, with little notice, at an inconvenient location. Eric Phillips, an Axton businessman and chairman of the Martinsville-Henry County Republican Committee, announced his candidacy for the nomination, contracted two buses $$$ and three passenger vans to provide transportation, and overwhelmed the meeting with his supporters.

Will Pace, chairman of the Pittsylvania County Republican Committee, declared his candidacy for the nomination, orchestrated the mass meeting, and then conceded defeat to Phillips after the majority of the 198 voters at the meeting voted for Phillips.

Democrat Melody Cartwright of Martinsville, will run against Phillips in a special election to be held Jan. 9.The winner will be the first resident of Martinsville or Henry County to represent the area in the General Assembly since Del. Ward Armstrong and Sen. Roscoe Reynolds left office over a decade ago.

Former Senator Roscoe Reynolds, Dr. David Jones, and Melody Cartwright at the VMNH Gala.

Sunday, February 23, 2025 10:13 PM

Cartwright Mounts Bid for 48th District

 January 5, 2024 in Local News Henry County Enterprise

Melody A. “Mel” Cartwright is seeking the Virginia House of Delegates 48th District seat in the January 9 special election against GOP nominee Eric Phillips.

Photo: Melody A. “Mel” Cartwright is seeking the Virginia House of Delegates 48th District seat as the Democratic candidate. After being asked to run on Friday December 12, she met the deadline by turning in all paperwork in Richmond within 2 hours the following Monday, December 15.

Sunday, February 23, 2025 10:10 PM

District 48: Melody Cartwright and Eric Phillips seek House seat in special election Tuesday

Jan 7, 2024 Martinsville Bulletin

With the resignation of Del. Les Adams, R-Pittsylvania County, two people will be on the ballot vying to fill the House of Delegates seat in a special election on Tuesday.

Melody Cartwright, a Martinsville Democrat, and Eric Phillips, a Henry County Republican, are running to represent District 48, an area that includes the city of Martinsville and parts of the counties of Henry and Pittsylvania County.

Sunday, February 23, 2025 10:06 PM

Letter: Running for office was a chance to be of service to others

February 6, 2024

As the Democratic candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates, District 48, the recent abbreviated special election (of which I had a 48-hour head’s up) was one of the greatest experiences of my life! Because this campaign was run during multiple major holidays, getting the word out was a challenge at best. Our team was well aware of the stats going in – 70% Republican to 30% Democratic. Even in the face of one of the most extreme weather events in recent election history, we still received that very turnout! 

Also, I want to sincerely thank all of the election officials at each polling location throughout District 48 for their selfless dedication of defending democracy – by both withstanding the weather and making sure the count is always verified and legal. They are the true heroes. For any candidate to doubt their integrity is beyond inappropriate. Also, early and absentee voting are two of the best and most effective ways to make sure your vote is counted. 

Bottom line, I ran, and am very grateful for the opportunity. Even though my opponent declined two opportunities to debate, my platform was delivered and discussed openly. I have listened to the concerns, fears, needs, and wants of many citizens of District 48. Cartwrights love to compete, in this case not just for personal pride, but for a chance to be of service to others. Good and fair Democracy should always provide a choice. Thank you to those who agreed. 

For now, I am still my brother’s and sister’s keeper. Let’s all look out for each other. Family first, and our values will always be in place.

Melody "Mel" Cartwright


Sunday, February 23, 2025 10:02 PM

Chamber holds post-legislative update

Apr 26, 2024 Martinsville Bulletin

About 50 people attended the annual MHC Chamber of Commerce Post Legislative Update held at New College Institute Wednesday morning.

“I can tell you a company made five visits to the Berry Hill Mega Site and a vendor to a second company would mean thousands of jobs for the area,” Phillips said. “These are game changers.” (FAIL).

The Southern Virginia Mega Site at Berry Hill is in Phillips’ district in Pittsylvania County and the 3,528 acres property is the largest business site in Virginia as well as the southeast United States.

During Phillips’ address to the audience, a large, live image of his opponent in the Special Election, Melody Cartwright, was prominently displayed on a large screen on the wall behind him. The meeting was live-streamed, but the image of the feed on the screen only showed Cartwright.

The minimum wage in Virginia will rise to $13.50 per hour effective Jan. 1, and further increase to $15 per hour will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2026.

“I voted against minimum wage (and I won’t vote for it) because minimum wage is not supposed to be a living wage,” Phillips said. “When minimum wage goes up, that’s why you are bagging your own groceries and using a kiosk at a restaurant. When you raise the minimum wage, you compress the middle class.” (FAIL).

"The Great and Powerful Mel." 

Sunday, February 23, 2025 10:00 PM

Kaine Campaign Swings Through Martinsville

July 17, 2024 Martinsville Bulletin
Tim Kaine is on the campaign trail and Tuesday started out in Danville, went to Martinsville, and ended up in Franklin County. Melody Cartwright introduced U.S. Senator Tim Kaine to the audience at the Ground Floor on Tuesday.

“I’m really happy to be back in Martinsville and Henry County with great friends,” Kaine said. “I started coming to Martinsville when I was city councilman and mayor of Richmond; we called the Richmond City Hall the “Martinsville Mafia” because many in the agency and the city manager had grown up in Martinsville and so I started doing things as a city official with Martinsville officials.”

Sunday, February 23, 2025 9:52 PM

Supreme Court Decisions Protested in Uptown Event

August 6, 2024 in Local News Henry County Enterprise

Cartwright also discussed the court ruling about punishments for the homeless. Her sister lives with disabilities, and she said it had been a “struggle” to ensure she was housed. “I’m amazed by how many homeless young people there are, it breaks my heart,” she said. “Trump wants to position himself as the Christian leader, but when you look at what he wants to take away, that’s not Christian,” said Cartwright.

Sunday, February 23, 2025 9:12 PM

GOTV Rally Set for Saturday

October 12, 2024 in Local News Henry County Enterprise

A Get Out The Vote (GOTV) rally will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, October 12, at Kornna Kitchen, 37 E. Main Street, Uptown Martinsville, for Karen Baker, a Democrat from Floyd County who is running in the November 2024 election against incumbent 9th District U.S. Rep. Morgan Griffith, R-Salem. State Senator Aaron Rouse is running for Lt. Governor, and candidate Melody Cartwright is running for House of Delegates District 48 are both setting sights for the 11.04.2025 election.

Melody Cartwright, a Democrat, is seeking to oust incumbent Eric Phillips, R-Martinsville, in the 48th District. A Martinsville native, Cartwright is a long-time area activist for appropriate and affordable housing, reproductive freedom and the urgent need for a maternity ward in the area, and is deeply concerned about the high percentage of poverty and the homeless in the area. She also is a proponent for working-class folks and strongly supports unions, increasing the minimum wage.


Senator Aaron Rouse, running for Lt. Governor and House of Delegates" Candidate Melody Cartwright, both running for the 11.04.2025 election.

Sunday, February 23, 2025 9:07 PM

Spanberger Campaigns in Martinsville, Outlines Vision for Virginia

January 19, 2025 in Local News Henry County Enterprise

Abigail Spanberger, the Democratic hopeful for governor of Virginia, brought her campaign to southern Virginia last week, making a stop in Martinsville on January 19. Spanberger addressed a crowd at the Virginia Museum of Natural History during an event organized by the Martinsville Henry County Democratic Committee.

Melody Cartwright made the introduction for Spanberger. “We need Abigail Spanberger for governor, to be the first female, and the best governor ever,” said Cartwright, who is running to represent Virginia’s 48th district. “We have a lot of nice things in our area – here at the Virginia Museum of Natural History and down the road we also have a world class art museum, Piedmont Arts. However, we also have around 25% of people living in poverty. I want to improve those stats."

Sunday, February 23, 2025 9:04 PM

Protesters Rally Against Trump Policies at City Municipal Building

February 21, 2025  in Local News Henry County Enterprise

President’s Day Protest 2.17.25

Protesters gathered outside the city municipal building on Feb. 17 to voice opposition to policies enacted by President Donald Trump, part of a “We The People” initiative across the U.S. Locally, the demonstration focused on concerns over education funding cuts, mass deportations, and threats to the balance of power in government.

Greg Hackenberg (photo below) organized the protest.

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Thursday, April 3, 2025 6:00 PM 191 Fayette Street Martinsville Martinsville, VA 24112

MHC Democratic Committee @ New College Institute/NCI. 276-403-5671

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Thursday, May 1, 2025 6:00 PM 191 Fayette Street Martinsville Martinsville, VA 24112

MHC Democratic Committee @ New College Institute/NCI. 276-403-5671

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Thursday, June 5, 2025 6:00 PM 191 Fayette Street Martinsville Martinsville, VA 24112

MHC Democratic Committee @ New College Institute/NCI. 276-403-5671

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Thursday, July 3, 2025 6:00 PM 191 Fayette Street Martinsville Martinsville, VA 24112

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Thursday, August 7, 2025 6:00 PM 191 Fayette Street Martinsville Martinsville, VA 24112

MHC Democratic Committee @ New College Institute/NCI. 276-403-5671

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Thursday, September 4, 2025 6:00 PM 191 Fayette Street Martinsville Martinsville, VA 24112

MHC Democratic Committee @ New College Institute/NCI. 276-403-5671

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Thursday, October 2, 2025 6:00 PM 191 Fayette Street Martinsville Martinsville, VA 24112

MHC Democratic Committee @ New College Institute/NCI. 276-403-5671

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Thursday, November 6, 2025 6:00 PM 191 Fayette Street Martinsville Martinsville, VA 24112

MHC Democratic Committee @ New College Institute/NCI. 276-403-5671

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Thursday, December 4, 2025 6:00 PM 191 Fayette Street Martinsville Martinsville, VA 24112

MHC Democratic Committee @ New College Institute/NCI. 276-403-5671

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Thursday, January 1, 2026 6:00 PM 191 Fayette Street Martinsville Martinsville, VA 24112

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Tuesday, January 13, 2026 6:00 AM

Special Election Anniversary from Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Special Election Anniversary!

Thursday, February 5, 2026 6:00 PM 191 Fayette Street Martinsville Martinsville, VA 24112

MHC Democratic Committee @ New College Institute/NCI. 276-403-5671

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Thursday, March 5, 2026 6:00 PM 191 Fayette Street Martinsville Martinsville, VA 24112

MHC Democratic Committee @ New College Institute/NCI. 276-403-5671

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